What Causes Scalp Psoriasis?
Wondering what causes this non-contagious inflammatory skin disorder? It is believed that if this skin condition runs in the family, one might be at an increased risk of developing this scalp problem. Besides genetic predisposition, psoriasis of the scalp might occur as a result of a weakened immune system, therefore it is often referred to as an immune-mediated inflammatory disorder. It occurs when the immune system accelerates the rate of production of regeneration of the skin cells. When the skin cells mature at a faster rate, this results in the accumulation of skin cells. This rapid buildup of skin cells leads to the formation of thick crust of skin on the scalp. It is believed that stress, injuries to the scalp, infections, hormonal fluctuations or use of certain medications can trigger psoriasis of the scalp. The formation of whitish scales at the base of the hair strands is often accompanied by flaking and itching. Picking at the scabs or scratching on the scalp can cause damage to the affected skin. It could also damage the hair follicles. Damaged hair follicles might also cause hair loss. Can scalp psoriasis cause permanent hair loss? Before I tell you more about scalp psoriasis hair loss treatment, let’s find out more about the connection between scalp psoriasis and hair loss.
Psoriasis of the Scalp and Hair Loss
Drugs such as anthralin, taclonex, dovonex and tazorac might help in treating this scalp psoriasis hair loss problem. Since topical application of creams, medicated shampoos or other products is more difficult due to the presence of hair, you must take lots of care while applying the medicated products. In order to provide nourishment to your hair and facilitate faster hair growth, you could make use of hair vitamins. Daily exposure to sunlight for a brief period of time is also believed to be effective for controlling this skin condition. You can also use some effective scalp psoriasis home remedies. Use of aloe vera gel, olive oil, coconut oil might also help in soothing the itchy scalp. You must gently massage the scalp with oils to keep it moisturized.
Including foods containing omega-3 essential fatty acids to your diet and drinking adequate amounts of water will also prove beneficial in scalp psoriasis hair loss treatment. Once the condition is kept under control, your hair will definitely grow back. Permanent hair loss occurs only in severe cases and that too as a result of persistent and vigorous scratching. So, those of you who are suffering from scalp psoriasis must refrain from scratching a lot on the scalp.
Hope you have understood the connection between scalp psoriasis and hair loss. Those there is no permanent scalp psoriasis cure, but it can be kept under control. If you are suffering from this inflammatory skin disease, consult a doctor soon. Follow a proper skin and hair care regimen. If you follow the advice of your doctor, you will be able to tackle this condition and alleviate the symptoms to a great extent. Hope you found the information on scalp psoriasis hair loss treatment useful.
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