Thursday, October 21, 2010

How to Lose Thigh Weight

When a person has a sedentary lifestyle, does not undertake exercise of any kind, consumes excess of fatty foods, he / she tend to put on weight. The excess fat in the body gets stored around the waist, on thighs and hips. Fats on thighs cause a lot of embarrassment and people complain of not being able to wear shorts or of being forced to wear extra large pants. If you too are a sufferer of the same, you must be looking for methods for losing weight on thighs as soon as possible. So, how to lose thigh weight? The following are some of the tips and techniques for the same. Let us take a look.

Lose Thigh Weight Fast

If you wish to know how to lose weight in your thighs fast, then note that exercise, specially the strength training ones are the most effective ones. Of course, you also need to follow a diet in order to get rid of the outer and inner thigh fat.

Exercise to Lose Thigh Weight
Cardio exercise is one of the most effective thigh exercise to lose weight and fat from the body. A daily cardio exercise for 20-30 minutes in any form like running, jogging, swimming, brisk walking, work out on treadmill, elliptical trainer, etc. helps in quick fat burning. However, if you wish to lose thigh weight in a week, then you need to go for strenuous exercises like strength training. The following are some of the exercises that you can follow lose thigh weight without gaining muscle.

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Put one leg a step and bend your knee until it is over the top of the foot. At the same time, lift the heel of the opposite leg. The knee will be bent as you lunge down. Maintain the position when both the knees are at a 90 degree angle with the floor. Now try to regain your original position. Lunges are one of the best thigh toning exercises.

You should stand straight and try to lower yourself into a sitting position without actually sitting down. Now try to come back to the standing position. Repeat the procedure for 15- 20 times. You can also try to balance a rod on your shoulders and perform the exercise.

Apart from these easy exercises, if you wish to know how to lose thigh weight in a gym, you can try using the Smith machine or the hamstring machine for the same and go for fat burning exercises for thighs using these machines.

Diet for Losing Fat from Thighs
If you are wondering how to lose thigh fat with the help of a diet, then note that you need to follow the same diet as the weight loss diet. You should concentrate on a diet that is high in proteins and low in carbohydrates and fats. Secondly, all fried, processed and fatty foods should be completely avoided to prevent excess fat gain. At the same time, you should have fresh vegetables and fruits, lean meats, eggs, nuts and seeds, etc., in your diet. You should also opt for low fat dairy products like low fat or no fat milk, yogurt, cheese, etc. All vegetable oils, salad dressings, margarine, and mayonnaise are also a total no-no if you wish to know how to lose thigh fat fast. Lastly, you can go for healthy foods and healthy beverages like herbal tea and fresh fruit juices to lose weight and fat from the thighs.

I hope this information was helpful for you to know how to lose thigh weight and tone legs. Following these tips and techniques will definitely help in losing fat and having great, toned legs. So, go for it. Good luck!

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