Monday, October 18, 2010

Natural Hair Conditioner

Conditioning is a part of the hair care process as it helps in keeping the hair soft and silky. There are a variety of hair conditioning products available in the market which caters to each type of hair. In other words, people with dry hair, oily hair as well as normal hair can find a conditioner which works well for their hair. However, the problem is that hair conditioners are quite expensive and moreover, most of them are made of chemicals. So, when a person uses these conditioners regularly, the hair can get damaged after prolonged use. An easy alternative to this would be to switch to natural hair conditioners. There are several advantages of adopting naturally made hair conditioners. One among them is that they do not contain chemicals and can be made easily at home with the help of regular household products. Also, you will save a lot of money while making your own conditioner. So, if you are interested in knowing about how to make natural conditioner at home, here are some recipes that will help you in doing so.

Natural Hair Conditioner Recipes

There are several natural conditioner recipes that can be made at home. However, if you want to know which among them is the best natural hair conditioner, the only way would be to try them one by one. Nevertheless, one thing that can be guaranteed about these conditioners are that they would not cause any side effects. If you have an allergy towards any of the natural hair conditioner ingredients, it would be best for you to not use it and try something else. With this note, let us take a look at the recipes for making natural hair conditioners.

Natural Hair Conditioner Recipe #01

  • 1 egg yolk
  • 1 teaspoon baby oil/olive oil
  • 8 ounces water

In a small bowl, take the egg yolk and beat in high speed till it becomes frothy. Add baby oil to the beaten egg yolk and mix. When this is done, pour water to the mixture and blend all the ingredients thoroughly by beating them together. After this, apply this egg mixture in your hair, starting from the scalp to the roots. Massage well and rinse after 4 - 5 minutes. Do not forget to wash your hair with shampoo.

Natural Hair Conditioner Recipe #02

  • ½ cup or 4 ounces real mayonnaise
Mayonnaise is the best thing that provides deep conditioning to the hair. However, before you apply the mayonnaise, make sure that it is the original one and not the one that is used for salad dressing. To use mayonnaise as a conditioner, first, dampen your hair and then apply the mayonnaise all over your hair thoroughly. Cover your hair with a plastic cap and then wrap it with a towel. Leave the mayonnaise on your hair for 20 minutes so that it gets time to penetrate into the hair completely. After twenty minutes, rinse off the mayonnaise with cold water, followed by shampoo.
Natural Hair Conditioner Recipe #03

  • 8 ounces coconut milk
  • 1 avocado, peeled and mashed

In a microwave friendly bowl, take mashed avocado and pour coconut milk over it. Place the bowl in the microwave and heat it for 45 seconds. Stir the ingredients in the bowl with a spoon and put in your finger to test the heat. If you are able to touch the mixture, apply it on your hair thoroughly.

Natural Hair Conditioner Recipe #04

  • 2 tablespoons coconut milk
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1 teaspoon coconut oil
  • 2 tablespoons light sesame oil
  • 2 tablespoons honey
  • 2 eggs

Take coconut milk in a medium sized mixing bowl and add other ingredients like olive oil, sesame oil, coconut oil, eggs and honey to it. Beat till all the ingredients are completely blended. Apply the mixture on your hair thoroughly and allow it to sit for twenty minutes. After the set time, rinse your hair and then, shampoo it.

Hot Oil Treatment

Apart from the above given ones, the best natural hair conditioner is hot oil treatment. This is a conditioner that has been used by people since a long time. The first thing you have to do is to take your hair oil in a pan and heat it on a very low heat. Once this is done, apply the hot oil on your hair and massage gently with your fingertips. Soak a towel in hot water and wrap your oiled hair with it. Let the towel remain in your hair for 15 - 20 minutes and then, wash your hair with your regular shampoo.

These are some of the natural hair conditioners that you can easily make at home. Initially, you can try each one of these conditioners and when you find the one conditioner that best suits your hair, you can make it your permanent hair conditioner.

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